The Louise Parker Method | Transform. Balance. Lifestyle


Louise parker is a qualified dietician who uses lifestyle and diet to change the fundamentals of people’s habits that stop them from losing weight and from achieving their health goals. Her method is a simple set of principles that will help to re-set your lifestyle in a permanent, effortless and realistic way. So whether you work full time, travel for work or hate exercise in general the method should still work for you. The Louise parker method is built on four pillars which link seamlessly to create an achievable journey.

The first Pillar is to Think Successfully. Most people have tried some kind of diet in their lifetime for one reason and Louise claims that quite simply, diets do not work. Weekly coaching that includes NLP and CBT techniques by registered dieticians will be put in place to motivate and cultivate a winning mindset that will eventually become habit.

The second pillar is to Eat Beautifully, enjoying a balances diet of fresh and real foods that are evenly spaced throughout the day to not only keep you in the fat burning zone but turn off hunger altogether. This ultimately eaves you feeling good which is a no brainer. Your assigned dietician will tailor and adapt your plan so that as you change so does your programme and that stops you reaching that mid-diet plateau.

The third pillar is Working out Intelligently. This method teaches the individual to move more through hidden exercise in steps or tailored workouts. this is achieved by making changes to exercise habits and most importantly training intelligently in a time efficient way combining fat burning and toning, boosting metabolism and ultimately improving energy.

The Fourth and final pillar is Living Well. This seems easy enough right? This pillar is just as important as the others as it involves making practical changes to your lifestyle in a realistic way that helps to regulate your hormone function and optimises weight loss. Each habit taught has a scientific and feel good purpose to help manage and reduce stress by supercharging you sleep and helping to create balance in what can quite often feel like mayhem.

These four pillars are used the the 3 stage programme – transform, balance and lifestyle. Transform, involves all of the pillars and begins the journey to losing weight and reducing body fat which simultaneously helps to create habits that will last a lifetime. Balance, takes effect once you achieve your goal. The team will help you find the balance that works in everyday life by designing a programme that will ensure you protect your results forever. The last stage to your success is the lifestyle phase. This involves your support tapering off so that you learn to stay on track independently.

In all we think Louise parker’s method is a genius way to improve the body and mind without fads or extreme measures so that everyone can live life to it’s fullest without the dreaded words ‘i’m on a diet’. To find out more or to contact the team visit the website here. Alternatively Louise has a fantastic lean for life cookbook which you can purchase here.

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