Recipe Notes | Baked Camembert & Garlic Bread


Baked camembert is the ultimate laidback starter or evening meal for those that just love their cheese! An impressive and ridiculously easy dish that always impresses, here’s how we prepared ours…

Recipe Notes | Baked Camembert & Garlic Bread - Humphrey Munson Blog

Unwrap the camembert but leave it within the base and pierce the top with rosemary stalks all over. Drizzle a tablespoon of  white wine over the top so it goes into the rosemary holes. Season the top with salt and pepper. Place in a pre-heated oven at 180C  for 20 minutes.

Recipe Notes | Baked Camembert & Garlic Bread - Humphrey Munson Blog

We also made fresh garlic baguettes – these are so much better than anything you would buy and so quick to make (you can also make up an additional batch and freeze).

To make the garlic butter we blended room temperature butter (approx. 4 tbsp), fresh grated garlic (1 clove) and then a tablespoon each of parsley, thyme, rosemary and sage. Add salt and pepper. Then slice through the baguette but not quite all the way through, smear the butter either side and place on a piece of foil on a baking tray.

Wrap and bake for 10 minutes, then unwrap for remaining 10 minutes. Temperature wise 180°C works well so we did ours in the same oven as the camembert and the kitchen just smelt absolutely amazing.

Use the garlic bread to dip into the camembert and voilá….!

Images: HM

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