Peach, Thyme and Prosecco Cocktail


There’s nothing better than seasonal produce especially when you can incorporate it into an indulgently refreshing cocktail that’s designed for summer days. We recently tried out this peach, thyme and prosecco cocktail in our office bar and it worked a treat.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • Two peaches finely sliced (use really ripe, juicy peaches if you can)
  • Handful of Thyme sprigs (we used roughly 8 for flavour)
  • Four tbsp thyme syrup (to make this you’ll need 200ml of water and 200ml sugar)
  • Ice
  • One bottle of prosecco (we love this one)


1. Pour the water and sugar into a pan and bring to a boil for a few minutes before removing from the heat and letting cool fully before using in the cocktail.

2. Place peach pieces in the glass and pour in the thyme syrup (crush lightly if you would like to release more of the flavours).

3. Add a handful of ice (you can crush the ice if you prefer) to the glass and slowly pour over the prosecco.

4. To serve, add extra peach slices and thyme sprigs then serve.

Recipe note: If you are not a fan of peaches, plums will work just as well but the juicier the better!

Images: HM

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